Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Decorate Gingerbread Houses with Santa & Mrs. Claus and Storytelling with B.Z. Smith & Blue Shoes Ukulele Orchestra – First Seating – Free Admission but Must RSVP

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #10 10 West Dodge Street, Sonora, CA, United States

This free holiday event is sure to become a cherished tradition! The IOOF Lodge Sonora #10 has generously opened their cozy space at 10 W. Dodge St. for a special afternoon of storytelling and gingerbread house decorating. Children of all ages are invited to join Santa and Mrs. Claus for gingerbread house making, using graham ...

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Decorate Gingerbread Houses with Santa & Mrs. Claus and Storytelling with B.Z. Smith & Blue Shoes Ukulele Orchestra – Second Seating – Free Admission but Must RSVP

Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #10 10 West Dodge Street, Sonora, CA, United States

This free holiday event is sure to become a cherished tradition! The IOOF Lodge Sonora #10 has generously opened their cozy space at 10 W. Dodge St. for a special afternoon of storytelling and gingerbread house decorating. Children of all ages are invited to join Santa and Mrs. Claus for gingerbread house making, using graham ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Come join us, soak in the festive spirit, and make cherished holiday memories!

Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are excited to be spending the holiday season right here in Sonora through December 23. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Don’t miss the delightful vintage “North Pole Mailbox” beside Santa’s House, where children can mail their letters directly ...

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Final Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus at Santa’s House in Courthouse Park

Santa's House at Courthouse Park St, Sonora, CA

Santa and Mrs. Claus are sad that this is the last day they will be here for the holidays. Tomorrow they take off for the North Pole. Families are invited to stop by for photos, share holiday wishes, and experience the magic of the season. Come join us, soak in the festive spirit, and make ...

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